How to stop procrastinating


how not to  procrastinate

How to stop procrastinating ?

This has become one of the biggest problems for the students or anyone during the work which is killing their time and making them not achieve or delay in fulfilling their goals.

What is procrastination?

  • Procrastination is the habit of delaying or postponing the work you need to get done, either by doing other, less important things or by distracting yourself with non-work activities, like checking social media or watching a tv show.
  • In this blog i am not going to motivate you not procrastinate because motivation doesn’t last for long time so i am going to help you how to overcome it by some simple changes in your way of doing things in a stepwise manner 

Step 1: Get to know that You're actually Procrastinating

  • Well it's really important to know that you are actually Procrastinating because many people find excuses for their  Procrastination Some are guilty of it because Procrastination can cause problems at work or school, in your relationships, and with your health, among other things. 
  • Well you can even check it online as well by some test check out this Test

Step 2: Think what are you actually loosing by procrastinating

Yes, it's very important to that because when you actually got to know the damage done by it you will actually realise how bad is to do it and next time when you are doing it you will think of what has happened before by doing it and will try to stop doing it 

Step 3: Try your best to Anti-procrastinate

Well this blog is mainly dedicated to students i am going to mainly cover technique’s related to studying 

1.Make  a To-Do List

This will help you not forget your tasks and will make you remember what are the main tasks to do first.

2.Give yourself a reward 

  • When you complete a task on time, reward yourself with treats like chocolate or things which make you happy. 
  • This will encourage yourself to think completing task is your first priority

3.Pomodoro technique 

A pomodoro is a 25-minute work session, after which there’s a five-minute break. After doing four pomodoros, you take a long break. By working in short spurts, you’re more likely to be productive while staying motivated.

4. Make sure you don’t have big tasks to do which aren’t done in given time 

It’s very important limit your task which can be done in proper time well i know it's very hard but try it first or ask someone who has already done it then make your schedules 

5.improve your lifestyle 

  • Get enough sleep (7 – 8 hours) and make sure it’s quality sleep its most important for students 
  • Eat a healthy diet with lots of green veggies, healthy fats, and low levels of sugar
  • Have a few smaller meals throughout the day, so you keep your insulin levels steady
  • Avoid unhealthy snacks
  • Exercise a few times per week
  • Drink enough water
  • Stop bad habits like smoking or drinking

I hope you learned something new today and can help you stop procrastinating:)

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